First Nations – Page 6

Protecting people from harm

Mark McMillan on the proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act, the usefulness of anti-discrimination legislation and his personal reflections on taking Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt to court

Utopia – Mid-Week Review

Must-see documentary, Utopia, is a damning account of successive Australian governments’ failure to address apartheid-style treatment of Indigenous communities, writes Maya Borom.

Trailblazer Profile: Nova Peris

For the month of December, Right Now has published content with a focus on Human Rights and Cultural Shift. So where would we be without the movers and the shakers? Isabella Royce answers this and other questions in her profile of trailblazer Nova Peris, the first female indigenous politician elected to national parliament.

Aboriginal Flag Puzzle Piece

Living Indigenous Languages

At the time of European settlement, around 250 Indigenous languages were spoken in Australia. Just 200 years later, it is estimated only 20 are widely spoken. Allison Worrall investigates the role of education in maintaining and revitalising Indigenous languages.