
Want to write for Right Now Magazine?

We’re looking for pitches on human rights issues in Australia.

We focus on the coverage of current issues through a variety of forms, including:

  • Opinion and analysis
  • Journalism
  • Interviews
  • Fiction and poetry
  • Reviews of events, books, music and exhibitions
  • Multimedia: photography, artwork, video and audio including spoken word


Right Now seeks to make the ideas and language of human rights more accessible. With that in mind, avoid legal jargon and explain any legal concepts that may not be familiar to the general reader. Avoid footnotes and endnotes. Please assume you are writing for a non-expert but interested readership.

Writing should be no longer than 1,000 words. If you have an idea for a longer piece of work that is more than 1,000 words please pitch it to us first.

Can I submit an unsolicited contribution?

Yes. We’re happy to read and review work that conforms to these guidelines but you will get a quicker response if you send a brief pitch outlining your idea.

If this is the first time you have contributed to Right Now, have a look around the site to make sure we’re the right media outlet for you and your work.

How long should I wait for a response?

Between 1-2 weeks. Right Now is run by a team of volunteers and we’re not always able to respond immediately. If you haven’t heard from us in 2 weeks, please remind us you submitted something.


Right Now is a not-for-profit media organisation. We are an independent, volunteer-run organisation, without any ongoing funding at present or incoming revenue, which means, although we’d love to, we cannot pay all of our contributors at this time.

Occasionally we are successful in obtaining grants and can, therefore, offer a small monetary payment for pieces. If you are interested in writing on a particular area but need certain funds to support you to develop your piece, please send a pitch to our editors.


Copyright remains with the author. If you are interested in republishing any of the work published on our website, get in touch with us.

How to submit

Send pitches and submissions to the Editor.

Include your name, contact details and a short bio.

You must warrant that your work is original and does not breach copyright nor defame any person. Right Now will not publish material that is untrue, seeks to defame or is discriminatory in any way.

Comments policy

We welcome comments of all kinds – positive, critical, questioning or otherwise. But we reserve the right to review comments before we make them visible on the site. We will not publish comments that:

  • Are defamatory, abusive, or discriminatory
  • Promote hate of any kind
  • Attack the writer and not the argument
  • Are blatantly off-topic
  • Do not constructively contribute to the discussion
  • Mislead through impersonation
  • Are longer than 250 words

Repeat offenders will be blocked from using the comments function on the site.

We ask readers to comment responsibly. If you see a comment that violates our comments policy, or if your comment has not been published within a reasonable time, please let us know.