Abuse thrives behind youth prison walls
Abuse and mistreatment thrives behind the walls of youth prisons – yet Australian Governments are doing nothing to stop it.
Abuse and mistreatment thrives behind the walls of youth prisons – yet Australian Governments are doing nothing to stop it.
Southern Arrente and Arabana person Lauren Scott highlights how climate change impacts intangible cultural property such as language.
Through a new editorial partnership, Right Now and Groundswell are platforming stories that explore the intersection of climate change and human rights, pertaining to First Nations justice.
As the climate crisis intensifies, so too does the language we use about the impacts of harmful human behaviour on the environment.
Between 1956 and 1963, the Australian government authorised British nuclear tests on Anangu country. ‘Old story, new story’ chronicles these events at Maralinga.
Animals Make us Human is a collection of writings reflecting on the 2019/20 bushfires. Kirli Saunders talks about her essay for the book on the glossy black cockatoo.
This is the first part in a two-part series on Australian identity and the African Australian Question.
Curated by Kaantju woman Shonae Hobson, the Bendigo Art Gallery’s first-ever First Nations Curator, Piinpi, is a landmark exploration of the cultural importance of Indigenous seasonal knowledge, community connection and storytelling in a contemporary context.
Racist water: In the remote Indigenous community of Laramba in the Northern Territory (NT), drinking water contains almost three times the maximum safe level of uranium recommended by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
As the world learns of police brutality in the US, Australians are too ready to ignore the deaths of Bla(c)k people in their own country.
To stop the spread of COVID-19 and to save lives, we need to responsibly release people from prisons.