Law and Policy – Page 54

UN Human Rights Council passes historic gay rights resolution

21 June 2011 On Friday 17 June, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a historic resolution on the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people that “seeks equal rights for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.” The resolution passed following a tense debate and narrow vote, in which African states accused South Africa of breaking […]

Victorian Equal Opportunity Amendment Bill Passes Upper House

DATE: 15 June 2011 The Victorian Equal Opportunity Amendment Bill passed the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament earlier this morning, following five hours of debate. The changes to the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act introduced by the Bailleu Government was defeated in parliament when Community Services Minister Mary Wooldridge missed the vote, the first time […]

Walker vs State of Victoria and Disability Discrimination

DATE: 15 June 2011 A recent Federal Court ruling has highlighted the lack of protection for students who have severe social and behaviourial disabilities.  The Walker family sued the Victorian Department of Education for discriminating against their son who suffers from multiple disabilities including Aspergers Syndrome and dyslexia, but the court ruled in favour of […]

The Penalisation of People Living in Poverty

Each week, teams of lawyers around the country visit soup kitchens, crisis shelters and other welfare agencies to provide advice and assistance to some of the 105,000 Australians who experience homelessness every night. While we can’t always find them a roof, we can help them address some of the other barriers they face. The reality […]

Interview with Professor William Schabas

William A. Schabas is director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland, Galway, where he holds the chair in human rights law. He is also an Associate Professor at Middlesex University, in London, and an honorary professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in Beijing. He is currently […]

Landmark High Court challenge on representative democracy

DATE: 26 May 2011 A High Court challenge could have a profound effect on the right to freedom of political communication, participation and association under the Australian constitution. The challenge brought forward by a Palm Island indigenous activist who was convicted of rioting after the death in custody of Cameron Doomadgee relates to a gag […]

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights criticises inhumane and racist policies

DATE: 26 May 2011 The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay has reiterated long-standing concerns by the international community that Australia’s mandatory immigration detention regime is in breach of Australia’s international human rights obligations and criticised racist and inhumane elements within Australia. In a press conference held yesterday, as part of a six-day visit […]

Photo of Kon Karapanagiotidis from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Interview with Kon Karapanagiotidis

Kon Karapanagiotidis started the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) nearly ten years ago, on 8 June 2001, as a practical class project for his welfare studies students. From that little food bank in Footscray the ASRC has grown to provide 23 different services, including legal help, English classes and a health service. Right Now spoke […]

Amnesty Report criticises Australian Human Rights Record

DATE: 13 MAY 2011 Amnesty International has criticized Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers and indigenous issues in its 2011 World Report, which has been released today. The chapter on Australia highlights the Federal government’s refugee policy and its impact on asylum seekers with mandatory, long term detention and poor conditions in detention facilities putting a large […]

Federal Budget boosts funding for Human Rights

DATE: 11 May 2011 The Gillard Government has announced additional funding to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) as part of the 2011-12 Budget. The total funding of $5.7 million will include the establishment of an Age Discrimination Commissioner and support team as well as $1.6 million over four years to restore the positions of […]