Tag Archives: australia – Page 7

Marriage Equality in Australia (and the World)

By Shae Courtney. This article is part of our July 2013 focus on “Australia in the World”. Click here for more articles in this issue. Since 1948, nations have declared their support for, and recognition of, the inalienable human rights of all under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The recognition of these rights, which […]

The world adopts an Arms Trade Treaty, but will it work?

Armed violence kills more than half a million people each year, small arms being responsible for a great proportion of these deaths. As Stephanie Koorey recently noted in Inside Story, while small arms and other conventional weapons do not cause wars, they do contribute to the “outbreak, intensity and duration of conflict”. As a consequence, […]

The Economic Cost of Our Asylum Seeker Policy

By Sienna Merope Australia’s current mandatory detention policy not only breaches our legal and ethical obligations, it is also a colossal waste of money. Mandatory detention of what the Federal Government likes to call “Irregular Maritime Arrivals” was first introduced in 1989.  Under the policy, all asylum seekers who arrive by boat are put in […]