Interview – Page 9

Katie Perkins – New Zealand Cricketer

Katie Perkins is an elite cricketer with the Auckland Hearts and played for New Zealand’s national team the White Ferns in 2012. When she’s not playing cricket, Katie works at New Zealand Rugby League as the Football Operations Officer, and is planning to become a policewoman. Right Now: What inspired you to take up a […]

Insights into police surveillance and public protest

This is a follow up interview with Lisa Caripis, who Victoria Police to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal over their refusal to destroy surveillance footage of her taken at a peaceful protest in 2010. You can read the interviews with her before the trial here and just after the trial here. The Tribunal handed down […]

‘Street Law’ – Melbourne Law Students teaching human rights at High Schools

Right Now’s John Alizzi spoke with Monique Hardinge and Simone King, students at Melbourne Law School who have recently taken part in the credit bearing ‘Street Law’ initiative. Right Now: It would be great if you could start by explaining a little bit about ‘Street Law’. [Monique Hardinge]: Street Law is a subject that involves students […]

Photo of Viktoria Modesta performing as the Ice Queen at the 2012 London Paralympics

Interview with Viktoria Modesta

Viktoria Modesta is a British model, singer/songwriter and amputee who played the role of the ice queen in the closing ceremony of the London Paralympic Games. David Donaldson talked to her about disability, her career and the Paralympics. Right Now: I read that you’re from Daugavpils, Latvia, and that medical negligence when you were young […]

Clementine Ford wearing pink shirt standing in front of brick wall

Interview with Clementine Ford

Clementine Ford is a writer, broadcaster, and feminist. Right Now spoke with her about her personal feminism and her thoughts on the major challenges for women’s rights in Australia today. Right Now: On your blog, Howling Clementine, you wrote: “In 1998, Clementine declared that she believed in women’s rights but not the nasty, manhating ideology […]

Michelle Graeber, Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria CEO

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in Australia and are estimated to affect 1.3 million adults every year. Michelle Graeber has been CEO of the Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic) for five years. ARCVic is a non-profit state-wide community mental health organisation that provides support, self-help, recovery and education for people and […]

Women in Australia and the Pacific

Julie McKay is the Executive Director at UN Women Australia (formerly UNIFEM Australia) and advocates on significant global issues affecting women including political participation, leadership, pay equity, gender-based violence and social inequality. Right Now’s Chloé Potvin spoke with Julie McKay to discuss her perspectives on the current challenges facing women in Australia and the Pacific […]

Aerial photo of Nauru

Paris Aristotle on the Asylum Seeker Expert Panel Report

Paris Aristotle AM is the Director of the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc (also known as Foundation House), a position he has held since helped found the organisation in 1987. He was recently a member of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers, and spoke at a Castan Centre event with The Age’s Michael Gordon […]

Incoming Australian Human Rights Commission President

Professor Gillian Triggs has been appointed as the new President of the Australian Human Rights Commission. Right Now’s Holly Kendall met with Professor Triggs to discuss the experience she brings to the role, the challenges she faces and what she hopes to achieve. Professor Triggs was an advisor to the Dallas Police Department, a commercial […]

Outgoing Australian Human Rights Commission President

The Honourable Catherine Branson has been the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission since August 2008. Earlier this year she announced her retirement from the position. Right Now’s Holly Kendall met with her to discuss her achievements, challenges and successes as President and what the future holds for the development of human rights in […]