Universal basic income: securing living standards for all?
If work no longer provides income security, is universal basic income the answer to securing living standards? By Right Now columnist Fatima Measham.
If work no longer provides income security, is universal basic income the answer to securing living standards? By Right Now columnist Fatima Measham.
Marilyn Snider explains the transformative power of education, and why a human rights curriculum must be taught in schools.
Melissa Davis’s short film Dumpster to Dinner Plate is an eye-opening reminder that we’ve become unsustainably fussy, writes Sam Ryan.
Many families across Australia cannot access or afford healthy, sustainable food. This is having serious consequences for children, particularly in the classroom. Claire Feain investigates.
Henrietta de Crespigny reflects on the relevance of education in boosting international development.
This story by Laura McPhee-Browne was shortlisted for Right Now’s Fiction Competition, judged by Anna Funder and Tony Birch.
By Shae Courtney. Whilst it is true that More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs), such as Australia, enjoy on balance a standard of living that is the envy of Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs), this standard can often mask the internal problems in developed nations. A recent study, conducted by The University of New South Wales […]
Could you live on $2 a day? Given a single morning coffee costs around twice that much, it is almost unimaginable for most of us. Yet 1.3 billion people – that’s almost 60 times the population of Australia – currently live in extreme poverty, on less than AUD$2 a day. … as people rise above the […]
In Australia, we rarely hear about Bangladesh. Even when we do we are told that half the population lives on less than $1 a day and the low-lying land makes it susceptible to rising sea levels. Extreme poverty and disaster distance it from our daily lives. Desai’s photos attempt to remind his Australian viewers of […]
Each week, teams of lawyers around the country visit soup kitchens, crisis shelters and other welfare agencies to provide advice and assistance to some of the 105,000 Australians who experience homelessness every night. While we can’t always find them a roof, we can help them address some of the other barriers they face. The reality […]