Where do I belong?
In this personal essay, Guido Melo reflects on race, identity, belonging and intergenerational trauma.
In this personal essay, Guido Melo reflects on race, identity, belonging and intergenerational trauma.
Sharen Bart speaks to award-winning Noongar writer and scholar Kim Scott about Indigenous trauma, cultural recovery and what it means to be sustained by a pre-colonial heritage.
Sarah Yeung reviews the In Visible Ink symposium, in light of the role of museums as both sites of trauma and healing.
This latest poem by Tessa Flemming delves into the unforgettable nature of trauma and is inspired by Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Brett Kavanaugh.
The images and multimedia included in this article are republished from the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault’s (SECASA’s) art group blog. The art group blog was established as part of SECASA’s of our ‘year of less text’ initiative, with funding from the Victorian Women’s Trust. The ‘year of less text’ aims to do more […]