How to Improve the Asylum Seeker Debate: Listen to Experts
Why don’t we listen to the range of experts who are criticising our country’s asylum seeker policies?
Why don’t we listen to the range of experts who are criticising our country’s asylum seeker policies?
Rebecca Minty and Amy Rogers examine the implications of the Optional Protocal to the UN Conventional Against Torture OPCAT and call for Australia to ratify the treaty.
Right Now looks at the major parties’ policies on five noteworthy human rights issues of this election. Today, marriage equality, asylum seekers and climate change.
By Roxanne Moore and Alexandra Scott. We cheered when Rudd abolished Temporary Protection Visas. We celebrated when Rudd ended the Pacific Solution. His return to power restored our hope… then suddenly – BAM – hello Darkness, my old friend. Now what? This shrewd policy has left most of us in despair, grasping at arguments which […]
There is scope across the board for the Australian government to place a far stronger emphasis on human rights in its relationship with PNG, writes Jonathan Schultz.
Can, and should, puppets be gay? Is QandA wasting time? How has Guardian Australia stacked up on human rights news in its first month? We address these questions in this month’s review of human rights in the media.
The Federal Government’s Creative Australia Policy was recently released by the outgoing Arts Minister Simon Crean, who came under fire for the use of the word “tolerance” in relation to people with a disability. This line has since been taken out but Arts Access Victoria has responded with dismay at the policy, not just for […]