The Subtle Art of Cultural Activism: a Review of Stateless
Based on the true story of a woman wrongfully detained in offshore detention, Stateless challenges our capacity for empathy.
Based on the true story of a woman wrongfully detained in offshore detention, Stateless challenges our capacity for empathy.
In this time of community spirit, our systems continue to marginalise and discriminate against refugees and people seeking asylum.
The poem ‘Razor Wire Childhood’ by Rodney Williams was inspired by a series of drawings by children held on Christmas Island. Although that facility has now closed, the issue of children held in detention in Australian government facilities is still relevant today.
No Friend But the Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison Behrouz Boochani, Omid Tofighian Picador Australia, 2018 “Is courage the opposite of fear?” asks Behrouz Boochani in his monumental, impossible new work, No Friend But the Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison (Picador, 2018). “Or is courage a virtue that emerges out of the essence of […]
In this poem writer John Bartlett considers the plight of the asylum seekers on Manus Island detention centre.
Under the Same Sky details the tragic story of Mojgan Shamsalipoor and Milad Jafari.
Poet Virginia Lowe reflects on asylum seekers and the impact such experiences have on children.
Ben Pynt explains that long-term detention – now the rule rather than the exception in Australian asylum seeker policy – causes inevitable ill effects on health, and that the oversight of the treatment of asylum seekers is becoming practically impossible.
Spencer Zifcak explains why Australia’s asylum seeker policy misses the scale of the global refugee tragedy, disregarding both the humanity of asylum seekers and Australia’s international responsibility.
Laura O’Neill describes the situation on the ground for asylum seekers in Indonesia now that Australia is “deterring” boat arrivals – work rights, UNHCR processing, access to education and the threat of deportation or detention once refugee claims are rejected.