These services are arranged according to topic, to correspond with the topics covered by the content we publish here at Right Now. This list is a work in progress, so if you know of any community groups you think Right Now should get in contact with, please email More information can also be found in our reading lists.
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
The ASRC was founded in 2001, to assist all asylum seekers regardless of race, religion, gender, health or sexuality. The ASRC advocates for asylum seekers without fear or favour, and works at both an individual and structural level in trying to create the most just refugee determination system possible.
The Darfur Australia Network (DAN) is a not-for-profit, independent, community organisation established in 2006 to function as a network between the Darfur community in Australia, skilled volunteers and established organisations in the community sector. DAN advocates about Australia’s response to the Darfur conflict and proactively engages the Darfur community in its activities and management.
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia
Established in 1979, FECCA is the peak, national body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. FECCA’s role is to advocate, lobby and promote issues on behalf of its constituency. FECCA promotes multiculturalism as a core value that defines what it means to be Australian in the 21st century.
The Humanitarian Crisis Hub assist refugees, migrants and community groups carry out campaigning, awareness raising, advocacy and other initiatives that promote the human rights of ordinary people living in war and conflict around the world. The HCH respects the self-determination of community groups and works to support their empowerment by encouraging community participation, knowledge transfer and skills exchange.
The Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning (SAIL) Program Inc.
SAIL is a volunteer, non-profit, secular organisation that provides free English support & community services to the Sudanese refugee community in Melbourne, Sydney & Perth, Australia. The founders’ philosophy is “We do this in the hope and expectation that if, through no fault of our own, we were made to leave our country, our family, our house or our community that we too would be cared for and educated in the place that received us.”
Sudanese Online Research Association
This website is devoted to the issues, journeys, images and stories of the Sudanese Diaspora. Whilst the civil war in Sudan’s South and West has forced many of the country’s inhabitants to flee across the world, there is still limited global awareness of the Sudanese situation.
Welcome to Australia is a newly founded organisation which seeks to engage Australians in the cultivation of a culture of welcome in our nation and the promotion of the Australian values of diversity, compassion, generosity and commitment to giving all people a fair go.
AMAZE was founded in 1967 by a group of parents who struggled to find resources regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders. AMAZE aims to improve the quality of life for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders, their family and carers. They also provide a range of services to individuals and agencies with an interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS)
YDAS works alongside young people with disabilities to raise awareness of their rights. It provides one-on-one support and also works on broader social issues through systemic advocacy.
Environmentality is a community radio show with a strong environmental focus. It airs every Wednesday at 12pm on 98.9 North West FM.
Landcare Australia
Landcare is a national network of thousands of locally-based community groups who care for the natural resources of Australia. Landcare volunteers work together to repair and viably manage precious natural resources. Through a unique partnership between communities, government and organisations, Landcare aims to achieve great things.
Sustainable Melbourne
Sustainable Melbourne is a communications hub for re-inventing Melbourne as ecologically, socially and culturally sustainable. Sustainable Melbourne is a project of the Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab (VEIL).
As an independent, not-for-profit think tank, Voiceless aims to raise awareness for animals harmed by factory farming and the kangaroo industry in Australia.
ZBGC provides information and resources for anyone who is interested in the health and well-being of sex and gender diverse people (that is, transgender, transsexual and other gender diverse people) in Victoria and beyond.
Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR)
ANTaR is a national advocacy organisation dedicated specifically to the rights – and overcoming the disadvantage – of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Their work primarily involves lobbying, public campaigns and advocacy.
Deaths in Custody Watch is based in WA, and works on motoring the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. They run a number of campaigns, as well as being a good source of information about deaths in custody.
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
VALS was established in 1973 as a community controlled Co-operative Society. VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice/information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the State of Victoria. It provides free legal advice and representation for the Koorie community.
Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA)
The ISJA is open to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and works to stop Aboriginal deaths in custody. It also works to recognise the Sovereignty of Australia’s many Indigenous nations, and runs a number of ongoing campaigns.
Reprieve is an organisation which focuses on the death penalty. In addition to producing news updates and conducting awareness raising events, Reprieve sends Australian volunteers to defend clients facing the death penalty abroad. A thorough reading list is provided here.
Flat Out works to support women who are exiting prison or who are at risk of being imprisoned. Their 2010 annual report provides some statistics about the criminalisation of women, as well as detailing the projects Flat Out is running.
Justice Action targets abuse of authority. It is community based organisation of criminal justice activists, including prisoners, academics, victims of crime, ex-prisoners, and lawyers. JA has published a number of reports, and provides an extensive directory of resources.
Children out of immigration detention (Chilout) is a not-for-profit group aiming to increase public awareness of what is happening to children inside Australia’s immigration detention facilities.
Can you imagine a footy game without an independent, unbiased umpire? Human Rights are Aussie Rules draws on lessons learnt about fair play in sport to teach children about Human Rights.
The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Children Care (SNAICC) represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.
The aim of UN Youth is to encourage young people to strive towards a greater understanding of global issues. It encourages young people to discuss and debate important issues amongst their peers and the broader community.
Whitelion supports young people involved in the Youth Justice System, or those at risk. This is achieved through role modelling, mentoring, employment and indigenous programs, outreach services, and through prevention programs run in rural and metropolitan communities.
The Youth Affairs Council of Victoria Inc (YACVic) is the peak body and leading policy advocate on young people’s issues in Victoria. The purpose of the Council is to raise awareness of issues of concern to young people in Victoria and to achieve a more equitable distribution of power and resources to young people, recognising differences between groups of young people in terms of their access to such power and resources.
The aim of Youth for Human Rights is to prevent or control behaviour that is harmdul or abusive to human beings. It seeks to make human rights a reality through education and awareness raising.