Right Now believes that creating a positive, rights-respecting culture in Australia begins with the flow of information. We therefore build connections with a number of other media organisations, with the aim of working with them to promote writing, art and radio that broadens the human rights conversation in Australia. Below are links to some of these organisations – if you know of an organisation that should be added, please email hanne@rightnow.org.au.
The Alternative Law Journal is a quarterly, refereed law journal publishing on human rights, social justice and law reform. The AltLJ is administered by volunteers, is independent of any organisation or political party, and is self-funding. The organisation is structured as a Co-operative and we are most appreciative of the support provided by the Law Faculty, Monash University in Melbourne, where the journal is based.
Environmentality is a community radio show with a strong environmental focus. It airs every Wednesday at 12pm on 98.9 North West FM.
Express Media provides support and development opportunities for young people in writing and media. It presents an annual artistic program that aims to develop creative skills and build capacity among young people. Express_Media’s publications, include Voiceworks, a national youth literary magazine, and The Signal Express, an online arts and culture magazine.
Centre for Poetics and Justice
CPJ is is a community organisation dedicated to the integration of poetics and social transformation. The purpose of CPJ is to create new access points into literary education and encourage social awareness for young people through spoken word poetry workshops and events. CPJ and Right Now collaborate on publishing poetry here.
Hidden documentary is run by Sarah Hunt, and tells compelling stories for curious people.
Human Rights Art and Film Festival
HRAFF provides a shared site whereby artists, human rights organisations and the Australian public are united in their desire to contribute to social change. HRAFF exhibits a selection of contemporary cinema, fine art, discussion panels and music, seeking to engage, inspire and entertain, and you can read Right Now’s coverage of the festival here.
Plug In TV is a community driven, progressive current affairs and cultural program produced by a collective of independent journalists and filmmakers. The aim of Plug In TV is to give airtime to issues that promote greater social and environment justice. Right Now and Plug In TV collaborated on interviewing speakers at the Progressive Law Network’s (r)Evolution conference – watch the video here.
We Australians is an artist run initiative based in Melbourne, promoting art that incites new ways of representing contemporary Australia and art that emerges from diverse practices and cultural traditions.
Quarterly Access and Monthly Access
Quarterly Access and Monthly Access are published by ACCESS, the AIIA’s Network for students and young professionals.
Finally, don’t forget to have a listen to Right Now Radio, Australia’s only dedicated human rights radio show!