Australians from all walks of life are ashamed and angry when they learn that the Australian Government spied on the East Timor Government offices during oil and gas negotiations in 2004, under the guise of implementing an Australian aid program.
This act of spying cannot be justified as protecting Australia’s defence or security interests. It was a deceitful act performed against an impoverished trading partner where both sides had promised “good faith” negotiations.
It was espionage aimed at gaining commercial benefit on behalf of resource companies to the disadvantage of the people of East Timor –– our close neighbour, loyal ally in World War II, and the poorest country in South East Asia. It has damaged Australia’s reputation for honest and fair dealings with our neighbours.
This activity may have remained secret but for the courage and integrity of one of the spies, “Witness K”, and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery. These men acted in good faith at a time when our government failed to do so. They bravely stood up to government wrongdoing. The Australian government commenced prosecutions against them in May 2018, without explanation.
Internationally accepted minimum standards for fair trials are challenged by the numerous hearings held since charges were laid, constant delays and postponements, strict secrecy provisions concerning evidence, and frequent closures of the court to the public. All of this is claimed to be required by national security.
These dubious prosecutions threaten the rights and values of every Australian.
The Attorney-General has the power to discontinue the prosecutions under the Judiciary Act 1903 – Section 71.
We call on him to drop the prosecutions of Witness K and Bernard Collaery immediately.
Add your name to the Petition to DROP THE PROSECUTIONS
“Drop the Prosecutions” Statement is endorsed by:
Dr Nick Abel | Jen Tsen Kwok |
Richard Ackland AM | Anastasia La Fey |
Cate Adams | Joseph Lai |
Lesley Agar | Carol Lam |
Benjamin B. Aitken | Dr Winifred Lamb |
Bill Aitken | John Lamb |
Carmel Aitken | Dr Judy Lambert AM |
David E. Aitken | Dr Alan Lane |
Emily M. Aitken | Rudolf Langeveld |
Dr. Jessica C. Aitken | Yvonne Langley Wash |
Madeline C. Aitken | Paul Laris |
Hannah J. Akbarian | Jacky Lawes |
Andy Alcock | Harold Lawrence |
Bill Aldcroft | Heather Lawson |
Debbie Allum | P. Lay |
Jillian Alsford | Caroline Le Couteur MLA |
Karina Anderson | Professor Michael Leach |
Tim Anderson | Penelope Lee |
Denby Angas | Margaret Lee |
Jackie Antoun | G. Paul Lehmann |
Debbie Argue | Judith Leslie |
Joan Armitage | Alan Leslie |
Bill Armstrong AO | Peter Lindsay |
Luise Ashley | Rosemary Livingstone |
Em. Professor Mark Aronson | Dr Lucas Lixinski |
Judy Attwood | Penny Lockwood |
Australian Lawyers Alliance | Colin Long |
Sheryl Aylward | Denise Lovric |
Dorothy Babb | Bishop Vincent Long OFM |
Helen Bache | Em. Professor Ian Lowe |
Dan Balding | Scott Ludlam |
William Balding | Patrick Lynch |
Ivan Ballin | Dr Gôsta Lynga |
Adam Bandt MP | Denise MacKay RSJ |
Tony Bannister | Richard Madigan |
Dr Jan Barnett RSJ | Michele Madigan |
Dr Jerard Barry | Dr Patricia Madigan OP |
Maxine Barry | Dora Maguire RSJ |
Professor Fran Baum AO | Rev Peter Maher |
Dick Baynham | John Mainwaring |
Janice Beavan | Susie Malady |
Margie Beck AM | Catherine Mann |
Colin Begley | Chris Mann |
Belina Begley | Em. Professor Brian Martin |
Martin Bibby | W. Martin |
Dr Elizabeth Biok | Fiona Martin |
Jo Blackman | Dr Chloe Mason |
Margaret Blakers | Tony Matthews |
Margaret Blanch | David Maxwell |
Pauline Bleach | Terri Mayr |
Bea Bleile | Phyllis McCann RSJ |
Graeme Blore | Michael Mc Carthy |
Jennifer Bluhm | Ann McCuaig |
Mme. Madly Bodin | Dr Helen McCue OAM |
Gill Boehringer | Hamish McDonald |
Dr Christine Booth | Therese McGarry |
Dr Lionel Bopage | David McIlveen |
Chitra Bopage | Senator Nick McKim |
Judith Bourne | Daniel McLoughin |
Bosco Social Justice Group | Sally McManus |
Roger Bowen | Professor Luke McNamara |
Rod Bower | Kay McPadden RSJ |
Kevin Bracken | Medical Assoc. for Prevention of War |
Hon Steve Bracks AC | Assoc. Prof. Christopher Michaelsen |
Rosalind Bradley | Dr Hannah Middleton |
Sarah Bradley AO | Josephine Mitchell RSJ |
Wendy Bradly | Claire Moore |
Lawrence Bradly | Monitoring Cmte- Attacks on Lawyers |
Dr Kevin Bray | Professor Bronwen Morgan |
Gwenyth Bray | A. Mortimer |
Em. Professor Frank Briggs | Em. Prof. Ingrid Moses AO |
Dr Alison Broinowski AM | Father Claude Mostowik MSC |
Richard Broinowski AO | Adjunct Professor Kathryn Moyle |
Michael Brown | Angela Munro |
David Brown | Allison Murchie |
Professor AJ Brown | Pauline Murphy |
Samuel Browning | Hon Peter Murphy QC |
Bishop George Browning | Neil Murray |
Annette Brownlie | Peter Muskens |
Professor Ross Buckley | Sanjiv Muttukumaru |
Ian Bull | John Nairn |
Hon Dr Meredith Burgmann AM | Joanne Nairn |
Julian Burnside AO QC | The Hon Marcia Neave AO |
C.L. Burton | Dr Kate Neely |
Dianne Bush | Danny Neumann |
Karen Butcher | Neville Newell |
Anne Byrne | Adj. Prof George Newhouse |
Bill Byrne | Clive Newland |
Em. Prof. J. A. Camilleri OAM | Carole Newman |
Rod Campbell | Merilyn Newnham |
Doreen Campion | Anne Nielsen |
Dr Douglas Capp | Dieter Nikolai |
Jeffrey Carlton | Margaret Ning OAM |
Elizabeth Carrigan | Nithi Nithianandan |
Shane Carroll | Suzy Nixon OAM |
Graham Cashion | Professor Justine Nolan |
Eva Cermak | Anne Noonan |
Professor Janet Chan | Robert Northey |
Hon. Stephen Charles AO QC | NSW Council for Civil Liberties |
E. Professor Michael Chesterman | Lucie O’Brien |
Dr Yung En Chee | Mary O’Byrne |
Tom Clarke | Anne O’Connell RSJ |
Barbara Cleary | George O’Farrell |
Paul Cleary | Philomena O’Halloran RSJ |
Julia Clements | Michele O’Neil |
Annie Close | Fr Peter O’Neill |
Anthony B. Cole | Dr Paddy O’Reilly |
Adj. Professor Kenneth Coghill | Margaret O’Shea |
JND Clark | Professor Graeme Orr |
Jenny Coles | Jon Owen |
Graeme Collin | Dr Rod Page |
Joe Collins | Senator Rex Patrick |
Rowan Collins | Ann Paterson |
Dr Susan Connelly RSJ | Pax Christi Victoria |
Dale Conway | Graham Perrett MP |
Associate Professor Elizabeth Connors | Margaret Pestorius |
MIchael Cooke | Krista Petrauskas |
Suraya Coorey | Dr Malcolm Pettigrove |
Catherine Coorey | Ann Peut |
Mary Anne Cosgrove | Rev. Prof. Stephen Pickard |
Professor Anne Cossins | Nella Pickup |
Nicholas Cowdery AO QC | Cathy Picone |
Kevin Cox | Jonathan Pilbrow |
Petra Cram | Michelle Pini |
Christine Crassweller | Em. Professor Barbara Pocock |
Tony Craven | Gary Potts |
Pam Crichton | Bishop Pat Power |
Catherine Crittenden | Joan Powling |
John Cumming | Adjunct Professor Scott Poynting |
Ian Cunliffe | Eric Pozza |
Margaret Cusack RSJ | Dean Pratley |
Sandra Dann | Jennifer Price |
Carmel Darling | Dr Sian Prior |
Emma Davidson | Val Pudney |
Donald Davidson | David Purnell OAM |
Graham Davies | A. Quah |
Lyndall Davis | Susie Quinn |
Diana Davison Mowle | Sheila Quonoey PBVM |
John Davison Mowle | Malcolm Ramage QC |
Professor Caroline De Costa | William G.C. Raper |
Gerard De Ruyter | Dale Rattle |
Louise de Vos | Bert Read |
Bishop HIlton Deakin | Professor Stuart Rees |
Nick Deane | Dawn Richardson |
Robert Debus | Kate Robertson |
Quentin Dempster | Ian Robinson |
Jagath Dheerasekara | Yolanda Rojas |
Michael Dillon | Grant Rollinson |
Professor David Dixon | Clive Rosewarne |
Peter Dixon | Denise Rosey |
Denis Doherty | Edna Ross |
David Donovan | Ngareta Rossell |
Michael Down | Felicity Ruby |
Phil Drew | Professor Tilman A. Ruff |
Philippa Duell Piening | Stuart Russell |
Dr Edward Dukyer | Janet Russell |
Maria Dunell RSJ | Andy Russell |
S. Duyster | Marie Ryan |
Jo Dyer | Wayne Ryan |
Patrick Earle | Colin Ryan |
Leonie Ebert | Rory Sain |
Adj. Prof. Brendan Edgeworth | Annette Salt |
Professor Louise Edwards | Mehera San Roque |
Dr Meredith Edwards AM | Jane Sanders |
Sue Ellerman | Professor Ben Saul |
Ray Edmondson | Patricia Saunders |
Jo Errey | David Savage |
Catharine Errey | Warwick Sawyer |
Robyn Errey | Frank Scaysbrook |
Elizabeth Evatt AC | Charlie Scheiner |
John Eyre | Pam Schindler |
Wendy Eyre | Dr Andy Schmulow |
Dr David Faber | Robert Scott |
Michelle Fahey | Gil Scrine |
Jon Faine AM | Louise Seagrave |
Darryl Fallow | Michael Searle |
Trevor Farley | Shirley Shackleton |
Kathrine Farn | Ali Shambrook |
Boris Feigin | Gary Shapcott |
James Fitzgerald | Rebekha Sharkie MP |
Jan Flanagan | Linda Shaw |
Colleen Foley | Andrea Shaw |
The Hon Matt Foley | Dr Julie Shaw |
Patrick Foley | Adrienne Shilling |
Patricia Fox NDS | Chris Sidoti |
Dr Andrew Frain | Jeff Siegel |
André Frankovits | Andrew J. Sinclair |
Dr David Fredericks | S.R. Sivasubramaniam |
Dick Friend | Nicholas Sivertsen |
Professor Geoff Gallop AC | Frances Sivertsen |
Christian Gelinek | Ben Slade |
Ross Gengos | Joanne Smart |
Anne T Gibbins BSc Dip Ed | John Smith |
Greg Gibson | Lindsey Smith |
Hon Ian Gilfillan | Gabrielle Smith |
Prue Gill | Catherine Smith |
Gerry Gillespie | Naomi Smith RSJ |
Judy Gillett Ferguson | Em. Professor Charles Sowerwine |
David Gillett Ferguson | Graham Spindler |
Dr Mike Gilligan | Professor Terry Spithill |
Dr Phil Glendenning AM | Luke Stacey |
Jennie Goldie | Nick Staniforth |
Jan Goodall | Raya Stanton |
Brian Gordon | Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM |
Leonie Grant | Dr David Stephens |
Ros Greenwood | Gregory Stevens |
Michael Grewcock | Alan Stewart |
Dr Richie Gun | Janey Stone |
Kirsty Sword Gusmão AO | Lt Col Gary Stone (Ret) |
Angie Gutowski | Major Michael Stone (Ret) |
Dr Ross Gwyther | Judi Storer |
Bruce Haigh | Dr Jennifer Strauss AM |
Jan Hall | Guy Struthers |
Prof. Clive Hamilton AM | Rachel E. Sudbury |
Stuart Hamilton AP | Jane Sulis |
Helen Hamley | Dr Michael Sullivan |
John Hanley | Trina Supit |
Carmel Hanson RSJ | Jan Supit |
Rosemary Harris | Jens Svensson |
Jonathan Harris | Derk Swieringa |
Karina Harris | Gregoria Tamvakis |
Tricia Harrison | Professor Richard Tanter |
Colin Harrison | Dr Elizabeth K. Teather |
Terence L. Hart | Councillor Professor Philip Thalis |
Barbara Hartley | Dr Tivi Thivianathan |
Tom Hayes | Jennifer Thomas |
Rachel Healy | Dr Geoff Thompson |
Graham Henderson | Angela Thorburn |
Roslyn Henderson | Catherine Thorpe |
Cathy Heptinstall | Ann Lone Thwaites |
Michael Hessenthaler | Miriam Tonkin |
Dr John Hewson AM | Jan Trewhella |
Stacey Higgins | Jim Truscott |
Terence Higgins AO QC | Dr Jen Tsen Wok |
Dr Keryn Higgs | Suzanne Tunks |
John Highfield | Elizabeth Turnock |
Trish Highfield | Paul Turnock |
Sharon Hill | Professor Jonathan Unger |
Dr Helen Hill | Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) |
Dr Bernadette Hince | Shobha Varkey |
Mary Hinchey | Hugh Vaughan |
Neil Hobbs | Stancea Vichie MSS |
Catherine Hockings | Dr Susan Vickers |
Clive Hodges | Christine Vincent |
Tim Hollo | Professor Prue Vines |
Anne Holmes | Therese Virtue OAM |
Alexander Hood | Dr Vacy Vlazna |
David Horkan | Fay Waddingham |
Bob Howarth | Pat Walsh AM |
Brian Howe AO | Dr Sue Wareham OAM |
Harold Hudson | Margaret Warner |
Hilary Hughes | The Hon Ann Warner AM |
Humanists Victoria | Rosemary Watson |
Associate Professor Janet Hunt | Alan Watson |
Jonathon Hunyor | Nicholas Watson |
Independent and Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN) | Geoffrey Watson SC |
International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL) | James Waugh |
Michael James | Stuart Wearne |
Keri James | Ken Weaver |
Professor Paul James | Dr Tony Webb |
Kevin James | Anne Webb |
Tony James | Susanne Weress |
W. Jayakody | Gary Werskey |
Professor Sisira Jayasuria | Robert Wesley-Smith |
Dr Chris Jefferis | Robin Westcott |
Peter Jennings | Kerry Weste (Aust. Lawyers for Human Rights) |
Anya Joedicke | Christine Wheeler |
Gareth Johnson | Dean Wheeler |
Andrew Johnson | Whistleblowers Australia Inc |
Robyn Johnston | Chris White |
Prof. the Hon. Barry Jones AC | Albert White |
Karen Joyce | Leo P. L. White |
Daniel Kaan | Helen White |
Hon Sandra Kanck | Robert White |
Cynthia Kardell | Marie White RSJ |
Klaus Kaulfuss | Martin White |
Bernard Keane | Sarah White |
Stephen Keim SC | Dr Margaret Whitstock |
Kathryn Kelly | Dr Brendan Whyte |
Maureen Kelly | Sandy Wilder |
Brendon Kelson | Andrew Wilkie MP |
Gordon Kennard | Peter Wilkins |
Judith Kerr | Harold Wilkinson |
Richard Keys | Ernst Willheim |
Ian Kilgour | Evelyn Williams |
Robyn Kilpatrick | Patricia Wilson |
Susan Kimptom | Sarah Winkler |
Professor Damien Kingsbury | Women’s Int. League Peace & Freedom Therese Woods |
Rae Kingsbury AM | Roslyn Woodward |
Rose Mary Kinne OP | Dr Anna Young |
Rosaleen Kirby | Anne Yuille |
Grace Koch | Rosie Yuille |
Mary Krone | Professor Spencer Zifcak |
Dr Keryn Higgs | Ann Zubrick |