Sky Trail (Poem)

By Les Wicks | 25 Jan 13

By Les Wicks. This poem is part of our December 2012 and January 2013 focus on Asylum Seekers.

This one is
or is called
a witch perhaps. So she disappears, her
only trick.


Why travel? No home, (an inflexible, judged word –
foolhardy for any to claim) but she was there

a tough demountable equivalent.

Some can’t tell the difference

up close

under torture your

head beneath a cruel, clean pond.


Her skin is her bag

& now flag.

Great western wings weigh down the air. Oddly cold

her fingers clutch documents they are

a calumny of prayers against

labile ink          suspicious eyes.

Fear the war cry of these new clerks.


Given enough time

(that’s a story).

The teacher & a cash register.

Some piteously

bright future. Which is taken

we’ll all be surprised.


Les Wicks has toured widely and seen publication in over 250 different magazines, anthologies & newspapers across 16 countries in 9 languages. His 10th book of poetry is Barking Wings (PressPress, 2012).