By Jason Maxwell
Ubiquitous outside the video game
you can smell the fear the bankers make
of their victims in every business deal,
parliament vote or socially conscious victory,
Ubiquitous outside the video game
you can smell the dinner exhaust
from those that live on the other side of the wall,
those that leave the dinner table for a VR business meeting,
leave a violent wall sized TV screen for their children while
their nannies are left to Facebook,
while the children fill their mouths
with brown-coal and uranium dust
that looks like chicken,
flavoured with alittle MSG cooked
in the heroin houses of Monsanto,
Ubiquitous outside the video game
you can smell the real zombie machine
as it whifts its cologne in
sharp meaningless time down Swanson street,
motivation to be just like that magazine,
to be just like that android
Andrew Bolt-in-the-brain
With the power to fool reality itself
into giving him a TV show,
repeating Doubts
that taking back a degree or two
of temperature change
is even necessary, let alone
possible past humanities
supposedly insignificant capacity to adapt
through reasons of the share market
otherwise known as
manipulated profit margin,
in peripheries “competition”,
where the body count
of our children’s children has a trading name
in the next cock-fight trapped century,
where the mafia are screaming glee this name
as they win and give the reserve bank mate
of the fastest growing economy
in the world an 8 billion dollar tip
for placing his party in charge
while they have already removed
four billion dollars from foreign aid,
straight after the election,
straight from the dinner table
of the living refugee skeleton,
who can only sigh as his forth brother
falls dead in his own vitamin-less piss,
and as they keep dying
outside this video game,
I have to tell myself,
At least I know the game will end…
At least I know the fume of human rights decay
will rise from their piles of cash,
eventually engulfing them,
eating poisonous worm holes
into their horror,
and while their human wrong skull
gleams in its smile…